
Tentative schedule subject to change


Sunday, January 25


Delta Hotels Richmond Downtown, Rocketts Landing Room

9:00AM - 5:00PM Conference registration & badge pick up


Delta Hotels Richmond Downtown, Kanahwa Ballroom

9:00AM - 6:00PM Exhibitor Hall


Delta Hotels Richmond Downtown, Capitol Room

9:00AM Virginia Cannabis Conference Networking Breakfast

12:00PM Lunch

2:45PM Afternoon break


Delta Hotels Richmond Downtown, James River Ballroom

10:00AM Welcome Remarks
JM Pedini, NORML Development Director, Virginia NORML Executive Director

10:15AM Keynote: Putting Consumers First
There is no cannabis market without consumers. Effective public policy prioritizes the needs and safety of consumers, not special interests or corporations. 
Dr. Michelle Peace, Professor, Director, Laboratory for Forensic Toxicology Research, VCU 

11:00AM Medical Cannabis Panel: Ask a Practitioner
Questions about medical cannabis? Join this live Q&A with Virginia cannabis practitioners.
Dr. Dawn Adams, RVA Telecare
Michael Johnson, RISE Cannabis

1:00PM Ready, Set, Retail: Building Consumer Confidence
Do consumers trust your brand? Learn how to build confidence within your target audience.
Anthony Mijares, Old Manchester Hemp Company
Radhika Murari, OmBaked CBD Boutique
Eric Postow, Holon Law Partners, LLP

2:00PM Records Sealing, Expungement, and Rights Restoration
Hear updates on Virginia's progress toward clearing records and restoring rights.
Sheba Williams, Nolef Turns

3:00PM 2025 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Overview
An in-depth review of the cannabis-related bills filed for the 2025 General Assembly.
JM Pedini, NORML Development Director, Virginia NORML Executive Director

4:45PM Closing Remarks
JM Pedini, NORML Development Director, Virginia NORML Executive Director




